
As a native of Ohio, I grew up with an appreciation for the quality of light in the Midwest. Its alluring clarity and captivating flatness informs my work and permeates many aspects of my design process.

After a short stint at the University of Kentucky, I migrated back to the Midwest and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from The Ohio State University. My educational trajectory continued at the University of Pennsylvania where I earned a Master of Architecture degree.

Between UK and Ohio State, I had the opportunity to work for the US Department of Energy at the Mound Plant, a former nuclear weapons manufacturing facility. It was at this Superfund site that I learned about Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) regulations as a member of the Environmental Management department. We worked to decommission buildings and materials that were contaminated.

My travels after Philadelphia led me to Washington, DC and then to my current location of Wilmington, Delaware. Since 2006, I have worked independently as a Project Architect, Designer and Consultant. The projects include a range of archetypes with varying scales, complexities, and scope. To learn more about the work in which I was involved as a member of architecture firms, visit my LinkedIn page.

Photography is continuing passion of mine. For more than 20 years, I have been a freelance event, portrait and architectural photographer. My focus is showcasing the ephemeral relationship between an object and natural light using both film, slide, and digital media.

It has been my fortune to have had the pleasure of educating students in many elements of the design profession. My guest critic review invitations include the University of Maryland, The Art institute of Washington, the Delaware College of Art and Design, the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Tennessee. In 2017, I was honored to be asked to be a judge for the Home Design Awards by the Delaware Today publication.

My research interest includes the exploration of time as it relates to architectural representation. More will be forthcoming on the Blog of Musings about this topic soon.

A brief bit more…

What is in my ears-

Svømebasseng, Satin Jackets, The Marías, Kings of Convenience, Nouvelle Vague, Alfie Templeman, Cocteau Twins, Esquivel, Frank Sinatra, and of course Sondre Lerche and New Order (no playlist is complete without New Order, IMO).

By my bedside-

Paul by N.T. Wright, The Diary of Anne Frank, Letters to Malcolm by C.S. Lewis, How to Write a Thesis by Umberto Eco, Six Letters for the Next Millenium by Italo Calvino, Ill The Structure of Light- Richard Kelly and the Illumination of Modern Architecture, and Why Architects Still Draw by Paolo Belardi.

In my oven-

Black walnut dessert bars

Before my eyes-

Any action movie- especially if it is 007 or the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Through my fingers-

A set of pajamas, knitted up in a yak/merino blend by Lineapio Bontanico.